Wednesday, September 11, 2013


As I was driving to the office this morning I was noticing the Flags staked along the park strip in my neighborhood and asked what the "?" and then it hit me like a brick.  Today is 9-11. 

Where were you 12 years ago today?  I remember that I was getting ready for work and listening to the Today show and there was a breaking story about one of the twin towers that had smoke coming out of the upper section of the building and no one really knew what was going on.  Then suddenly there was an object that came out of nowhere and hit the second tower. Of course it was a plane.  We really thought that it was a movie promo. 
Being back in New York City this past month and visiting the memorial, where they were still cleaning things up in that district, and walking around the plaza reading the plaques and watching the water fall over the sides of the footprints of the buildings solidified in me the firm resolve to continue to fight for the freedoms that some of us still hold so dear.
Security to get into the plaza was greater than to get into the airplane terminal at any airport. 
Complacency is not what we need right now when there is so much threat of loosing our freedoms.  We pray every day to bless our Soldiers who are fighting to protect our freedoms.  But what are we doing to keep those freedoms.  Daily we are being bombarded by the Social media, a small minority is constantly at the leaders of our country to change the laws and corrupt the constitution. We, the SILENT MAJORITY, are slowly letting our rights being changed by the very loud minority.
It is said that it only takes 5% of the people to effect a change. And then only 2.5% of that group to really make it happen. 
+The Freedom tower in NYC at "1776" feet shows the world that we will not stop defending what our founding fathers fought so diligently for.

I resolve to be part of 5% to effect a change for our freedoms. Let us show the world that we stand and pledge allegiance not only to the FLAG but to our Country to be" One Nation Under GOD indivisible... and show the loud minority that we will continue to fight for our Freedoms that 12 years ago today a few tried to stifle on our Soil.

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